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In the coming months there will be additional DNA testing, new forensic and DNA experts brought into the court, new witnesses interviewed and prepared to testify and even further field investigations undertaken to obtain additional evidence of their innocence.

The cost to gain the freedom for Damien, Jason and Jessie is staggering. While the attorneys are working pro bono, the money the defense needs to prepare this case could easily reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. Please consider making a contribution and tell your friends and others interested in this case to help us if they can.

Arkansas Supreme Court Reopens West Memphis 3 Case.

In late November 2010, the Arkansas Supreme Court ordered an evidentiary hearing for the West Memphis 3. It was the best legal development in this case in 17 years.

The high court directed that the new hearing be sweeping in its scope, and that the Circuit Court must consider all evidence that is relevant to whether the three men deserve a new trial. While this is a landmark victory in this case, Damien, Jason and Jessie remain in prison, with Damien in solitary confinement on death row. Although the cases for the three were at different stages of appeal, the court ruled that a new hearing be held simultaneously.

Judge David Laser of Craighead County Circuit Court is presiding over the hearing. The first court appearance in the case was held in January 2011, when Judge Laser met with lawyers for the defendants. At that time, he expressed his desire to move the evidentiary hearing along as quickly as possible. Attorneys now have 45 days to submit briefs outlining the issues they want to present and to schedule the hearing dates.

The Scope of the New Evidentiary Hearing

The new hearing could span the next eight months due to the schedules of the judge and the defense attorneys, as well as the amount of evidence that the defense will be able to present. The scope of the hearing will be much like a full trial with all evidence of their innocence from DNA to new witnesses presented to Judge Laser. Even evidence presented at trial 17 years ago, which provided strong alibis for the three, will be considered.


Get in Touch!

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The Governor of Arkansas

The Attorney General of Arkansas

The Arkansas House of Representatives (click here for a district map)

The Arkansas Senate


Letter to send to an Arkansas Senator or Representative

Re: West Memphis Three
Dear Senator_____ (or Representative _____)
I recently saw the CBS 48 Hours show on the West Memphis Three. It looks like our great state is being ridiculed again. I have been following this case with some interest over the years, but I never realized there were so many questions about the guilt of Damian Echols, Jessie Misskelley, and Jason Baldwin.

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Letter to send to Arkansas Governor Beebe

Honorable Governor Mike Beebe
State Capitol 250
Little Rock, Arkansas 77201
Dear Honorable Governor Mike Beebe:
I would like to ask you, as governor of the respected state of Arkansas, to reconsider the Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley convictions.

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